1949 1/2 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064


Is Playtime right for me?

Is your child three or four years old with difficulty orienting towards other children? Do you have a hard time connecting to your three or four-year-old, especially during play? Does your child have a hard time dealing with other children? Does he seem to get into arguments or tussles more often than the average child? When your child plays, does he show an interest in other children? Does your child grab toys from other children? Does he have a hard time sharing in general? Is your child unassertive, for example, does not react when others take his toys from him? Or, does your child have a hard time recovering from social “spats”—will he have a meltdown that seems out of proportion to the incident? Does your child have sensory or regulatory issues? Has your child learned how to take turns with toys? Is your child beginning to use his words appropriately when he is frustrated or sad? Do you feel at a loss when your child misbehaves on a play date or at the park? Do you wish you knew how to teach your child more appropriate social skills?

Most parents have a hard time knowing what to do to correct the social missteps of their three or four-year-olds. These young children do not understand the same consequences as older children and require a different approach. Although behavioral strategies may be required, these children are also still learning the rules of social engagement and look to their parents and other adults to be their role models. Playtime provides parents with guidelines for how to teach appropriate social skills while effectively managing behavior in the moment.