1949 1/2 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064

Fantasy Role Playing Game Group (ages 11-14)

Fantasy Role Playing Games are collaborative and open-ended adventures where players must leverage the talents of their party’s unique characters–and the kids controlling them!–to overcome fantastical danger and win treasure and renown. Players chart the course of their adventure in cooperation with and in opposition to the campaign master, who wears many hats: storyteller, antagonist, calculator, and in this case, therapist. With customized game rules to leverage even greater therapeutic benefit, this group promotes cooperation, communication, and perspective-taking against the backdrop of role-playing, fantasy, and storytelling.

The group will meet Mondays from 6-7pm (first session is 6-8pm) with each campaign typically lasting 16 sessions.

Note: Artwork by Simon Barle, https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3r3n2